Is Astoria VR Headset Safe? Facts You Should Know


The new Astoria VR Headset is meant to be worn around the eyes to provide the wearer with various interactive and unique digital experiences. However, once the VR headset was made available to the public, users were concerned about the safety of their eyes and whether Astoria is bad for the brain. A lot of people want to find out whether the headset’s dual LCD monitors that are able to create projected and pointed stereoscopic effects are safe if used for long. Astoria provides users with a computer-generated simulation of high quality and real-time focus and feels illusion of depth.

What exactly is Astoria VR?

This is a new headset that provides users with a remarkable Virtual Reality experience. It makes use of a smartphone’s processing power to provide the user with an augmented experience from their home’s comfort. Some major advantages of Astoria VR include:

  • It is immersive- The new Astoria VR Headset is meant to be worn around the eyes to provide the wearer with various interactive and unique digital experiences. However, once the VR headset was made available to the public, users were concerned about the safety of their eyes and whether Astoria is bad for the brain. A lot of people want to find out whether the headset’s dual LCD monitors that are able to create projected and pointed stereoscopic effects are safe if used for long. Astoria provides users with a computer-generated simulation of high quality and real-time focus and feels illusion of depth. it provides the user with a 360-degree view point, and this ensures a highly immersive experience since it is possible to interact with the virtual world in all directions
  • Highly detailed environment- it is possible to utilize the device with devices of high resolution including screens and TVs with resolutions of up-to 1080p. This allows for immersive attention to detail and clarity.
  • Highly compatible- Astoria is meant to be used with a wide range of well-known smartphone brands including Apple iPhones, Samsung, and HTC.

How to use the Device

How to use the Device

The design of the product is user-friendly and highly ergonomic. This ensures that users experience a prolonged augmented reality without straining or any discomfort. The device’s ease of use procedure includes:

  • An initiative VR application- users should start the VR app the want on their phone
  • Setup headset- proper setup of the product should then follow. Placement must be performed properly to avoid a possible damage to the devices
  • Begin using- once the fitting is complete, the user can start enjoying fully immersive 3D experiences.

Some major Astoria VR Aspects

  • Adjustable headband- the device’s headband allows for putting it in various positions and allows for easy adjusting as well. This helps prevent any form of discomfort.
  • Lens- the device’s aperture is characterized by a nano film coating of eight layers, and this allows for definition and high clarity.
  • Cushion- the device has leather foam cushions of high quality to allow for ease of use and high comfort.
  • Magnetic front plate- the front plate is magnetized, and this ensures VR of high definition
  • Adjustable focal length- Astoria has a focal range adjustment length of about 20mm
  • Adjustable distance- it is easy to adjust the viewing distance using a special rotator knob positioned on the device’s side.

using the headset

Things that can be done using the headset

The VR market has recently become a booming business and developers have started dedicated applications that ensure that users get immersive experiences. Users can use Astoria VR in immersive experiences such as:

  • Various sports such as soccer, football, and basketball
  • Wildlife among other scenic environments
  • Watching movies, favorite TV shows and playing video games
  • Visiting outer space locations such as the moon and Mars

Some apps personalized for Virtual Reality viewing include Hoverboard Drive, Dive City, Hang Gliding, Jet Sprint Demo, Bubblecars, and Rollercoaster among numerous other apps.

What other users have had to say about Astoria VR

Overall, users who have had the chance to use this headset have loved the experience. This is because Astoria VR has been receiving some overwhelming positive responses. People have probably loved the headset because it provides immersive and captivating experiences. Many users have reported that Astoria VR has made them fall in love with the VR experience and reported to have enjoyed every moment. Additionally, most of them have rated it five stars meaning that they were happy with the product.

Buying Astoria VR online

Buying Astoria VR online

The best way to buy Astoria is by placing an order directly on the company’s website. You can buy a single unit for approximately $59.90. However, you qualify for a discount if you order more than two units. You can pay using various secure and safe methods of payments including Discover, American Express, MasterCard, and Visa.

In addition, all orders come with a money back guarantee policy of up-to fourteen days. This is important because buyers can ask for refunds in case they are not happy with the product. Most importantly, the fourteen-day money back guarantee is a clear indication that the manufacturer is convinced that users will love the product.

See Also: Google is Developing a VR/AR Headset that Uses Eye Tracking


Virtual Reality provides immersive experiences to users through viewing pictures, playing video games or watching movies. The technology allows for an exhilarating user experience by engaging users in visual sensory and audio domains. Today, various companies have patented and developed their own Virtual Reality technologies. As the demand for VR intensifies, people have started noticing some 3D stereoscopic effects including feelings of disorientation and nausea. However, this only happens if the Virtual Reality experiences are rendered poorly.


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