Stylish Touchscreen Fitness Wristband Tracker By Archon


Many people prefer maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and one way that they can achieve this is through using fitness tracker to keep pace with their fitness activities. Therefore, this Touch fitness tracker is of great help to you as it ensures that you achieve your fitness target both during the day and the night. It is a wristband device that is meant to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle while you are connected. It is responsible for tracking rudimentary fitness and monitors your sleeping patterns with iOS and Android powered smart phones to help provide you with convenient real-time notifications. With the help of this device, you can be able to experience healthy sleeping patterns that ensure that you lead a healthy life as restful sleep help you perform your tasks efficiently the following day and keep you healthy. You will also be able to keep a healthy and desired weight or body figure as your fitness activities will be improved for expected results. It is a device that is manufactured by Archon, and it is worn on your wrist, and it is priced at $34.99 only.

The Brains Behind This Wireless Fitness Tracker

The Brains Behind This Wireless Fitness Tracker

This is a wireless fitness tracker that was founded by Ella Leung and Ricky Poon. They describe this device as connected, inspire and stylish. It was a device that was inspired by the evolution of the technology sector and the design creativity which were embraced to promote healthy living among people. Therefore, Archon’s mission is to develop devices that help people maintain a healthy lifestyle through the use of these affordable, stylish devices as they experience fun while staying fit. The unique thing about Archon Touch wristband tracker is that it has all-in-one fitness app for you to access your fitness records.

Unique Features Of Touch Wristband Tracker

Features Of Touch Wristband Tracker

This is a fitness tracker that has the following features:

1. Slim And Light Design
This is a light and slim device that is of 0.94mm in thickness and has a 0.91mm OLED screen. It is known to weigh 16g which makes it light and comfortable on your hand.

2. Seamless Synchronize
It is a wristband that is capable of supporting compatibility with Android 4.3 or above, iOS 8 or above with Bluetooth. This is a feature that helps you get message notifications, calls and helps you listen to your favorite music in the background while you are exercising. It will make fitness activity to be fun and ensure that you attain your goals faster.

3. Exercise Sharing
It is a device that has Archon app which helps you share your fitness activities as you can send the activities to your friends and other followers on any of the social channels.

The Benefits Of Using This Device

Benefits Of Using This Device

1. It Helps In Encouraging Light Exercise
It is a device that is known to provide data regarding the steps you take, your workout intensity; the distanced you traveled and the calories you burned. It, therefore, helps fitness enthusiastic set their own workout goals for more intensive workouts. It also helps them share their fitness activities with their friends and other friends on social channels such as Facebook.

2. It Helps You Get Notifications
It is a fitness tracker that helps you get alerts or notifications on the messages on your smart phone, the incoming calls, the emails, calendar events, social media massages and other reminders. This will help you respond to any alert of importance or if it is something which is urgent.

3. Free Archon App
It has a free Archon app that is available on your smart phone as far as the phone is iOS 8 or above and Android 4.3 or above. The app is helpful in tracking your sleeping patterns or fitness activities so that you can monitor your progress closely and work on improving them. This will help you attain your fitness targets easily and help you live a healthy life as you will experience healthy sleeping patterns. The app also is meant to provide convenient real-time notifications for you to respond in case it is of importance.

4. IP67 Water Resistant
This is a device that is capable of helping you track your activities while swimming or while it is raining without being faulty. This will ensure that you do not miss any fitness activity because of weather conditions like while it is raining.

5. Sleep Record
It is an essential device that records your total sleeping hours or minutes; it lets you know if you had deep or light sleep and the strength distribution for a healthy person.

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This is a fitness tracker that is worn around your wrist for perfect working. You can adjust the wristband to fit you so that you feel comfortable through tightening or loosening it as desired. With the use of this device, you will be able to track your fitness activities easily, and your sleeping patterns will be improved. This will result to a better working and healthy person with increased productivity. It has distinct features that ensure that you achieve your fitness targets.


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