Doppel- The Wearable that will Enhance Your Calmness and Focus

Doppel- The Wearable that will Enhance Your Calmness and Focus


Wearables are a ‘thing’ nowadays and in some cases, a compulsory device that one must have in order to do certain task or set of tasks. In the modern world, it is not surprising to own a wearable of any category or type and with a good reason. On the contrary, the surprise is not having one. They have becomes such an important part of everyday life that it seems almost impossible to do without them. Such a premise holds true for the doppler-a wrist wearable that helps the wearer to calm down and improve his or her cognitive awareness.

How it Works?

Wearables manufacturers have always had a knack for surprising us with solutions to our everyday problems-problems we never knew we had to begin with. They rely on the science of the human body that many overlook (or are unaware of). Doppler is no exception and works on the basis of actual science. The human brain or more specifically, the mind reacts differently to various external stimuli. This reaction subsequently affects the way the heart beats.

This is to say that the heart and the mind are interconnected. Picture a scenario where you are in a forest or scary place and you hear a wild animal noise; in a flash of a second, the body will be filled with a rush of adrenaline that makes you alert and attentive to slight movements or in this case, noises. This naturally causes fear majorly because of what the mind has interpreted the sound or source of the sound to be. It is this interrelationship between the mind and the heartbeat that doppler capitalizes on.

the device can vibrate slowly The device can vibrate slowly or rapidly depending on the condition of the wearer. It can beat quickly to trigger the production of more energy in the body so as to foster alertness or productiveness when performing tasks that require full body engagement such as exercises. On the other hand, it can also vibrate slowly if the wearer is feeling under the weather and would like to rest or calm down.


Doppel, just like other wearables can synchronize with other smart devices through wireless connectivity- Bluetooth. In addition, it is also compatible with all Bluetooth devices, which make operating it very easy and convenient. Its body is made of stainless steel with a plastic encasing that features a silicon strap. It measures 37.5 mm wide and has a thickness of 8.5mm. It weighs 34 grams and is water resistant.

This attribute is not only vital but convenient as well, because it enables wearer to use the device in any scenario including instances where he or she,may be in contact with water or sweat. It comes with an app that can be installed in the smartphone and can be used to manage it. In addition, doppel is also compatible with iOS 5 and above. For android users, it is compatible with versions 4.3 and above. This wearable is sold at $155, a figure that shifts with different retailers.

wearer to use the device

Set Your Pace

This is the tagline of doppler. Unlike many wearables in the market today that focuses mainly on recording physiological and other body statistics with little help on how to improve on them. doppler on the other hand actually provides a viable solution. This wearable does not show you the statistic of how your body is stressed at the moment; it actually helps you relax or be energetic depending on your mood at the moment. It vibrates to achieve these effects. While the actual vibration is noticeable, the intensity is not rapid and intense to the point of causing irritation. The vibration patterns can be chosen and customized using the app before finally uploading the final composition into the device. Basically, this device can create rhythms that can influence the way the wearer feels without compromising on the comfort or the convenience of using other similar devices.

set your pace

Areas of Improvement

Doppler technology is without a doubt, very promising. However, more could be done in order to make the device universally relevant to majority of the general population if not for everyone. The design team for instance, could install a biofeedback mechanism to the device that can help users track their heartbeat rates through heart rate sensors. Besides that, an optical sensor can also act as a viable add-on that can be game changing especially if embraced by individuals or customers with anxiety disorders. However, these are suggestions that can make improve the device and are up to the manufacturers or design team to incorporate them into the future versions (if there will be any).

See Also: Highs and Lows Heart Rate Plots and Causes


Doppel is a wrist-bound wearable that functions in similar aspects to the most of other wearables with the difference seen only in the way it helps the wearer in the final process. It helps improve mood by playing around with the body’s physiological processes. The device’s working process has been backed with scientific research and has been tested and proven to be effective. This makes the device certified for use. If you are after improving focus, attention or generally relaxing after an eventful day, then this is the kind of device you deserve.


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