Elements Of Genius’ Wellnest

Wearables For The Elderly: Elements Of Genius’ Wellnest


Wearable technology is not a luxury, but a necessity. These tiny gadgets make our lives easier, which is always welcomed in a hectic world we live in today. Most wearables are created for younger people mostly because they are more likely to use these items. However, the needs of adults and seniors aren’t neglected as well. For example, Elements of Genius created a highly practical wearable specifically for seniors and their family members will benefit too. What does this device do? Scroll down to find out!

The Manufacturer

If the name Elements of Genius doesn’t ring a bell that’s because this is a relatively new player in the wearable technology game. Since most brands on the market provide almost the same products just with different names, Elements of Genius is a breath of fresh air. This is one of the fastest growing privately held companies in the US and a breakthrough leader in the field of expert connected care development.

Elements of Genius is a community of industry leaders in healthcare, engineering, and product design. All these individuals use their vast knowledge to help the brand develop products that will improve the quality of life for seniors and their families who are under tremendous stress. The result of their work is Wellnest, a wearable for the aging population.

Yahoo! Finance reported that Mission Pharmacal Company announced it has invested in Elements of Genius and their flagship product Wellnest. The investment was announced in January while the launch of the product is set for July. The president of commercial operations in Mission Pharmacal Company explained that this brand is committed to improving and enhancing the quality of life for all patients and they decided to invest in Wellnest technology because they believe it aids elderly patients with medication compliance and other essential needs.

What Is Wellnest?

What Is Wellnest
Wellnest is the first Elements of Genius’ wearable device; it is designed specifically to accommodate the needs of the elderly population. The device also helps caregivers, both family members, and healthcare service providers, in caring for older patients. This is the very first wearable product with Amazon Alexa compatibility. As you already know, Alexa is Amazon’s cloud-based voice service. This means that Wellnest users are able to use natural language to interact with this gadget. For example, an elderly man or a woman will be able to refill the medication prescriptions or call 911 just by giving voice commands to Amazon Alexa. This piece of wearable technology also reminds users to take medications; which is particularly useful for elderly who forget to take medications on their own.

Bearing in mind that older people value their independence and lack of it can make them stressed out, Wellnest offers additional benefits such as location tracking to caregivers and families. This way, they will know a person’s whereabouts without making him/her feel like they have no freedom.

How Does Wellnest Work?

Considering the fact that the device is created for the elderly population, it is incredibly easy to use. The technology in Wellnest allows for a connection with Amazon’s Alexa, as mentioned above. A user can simply issue a voice command, and the gadget can refill medications, or even call Uber. In February it was announced that AT&T will provide connectivity for this device.

Wellnest is more than a wearable device; it is also a social network for connected health and wellness focused on four functional benefits:

  • Social wellness – brings all stakeholders together in support of the Wellnest member
  • Medication reminders – acknowledgment and alert notifications
  • The only wearable that is directly connected to the Wellnest members’ local 911 emergency response team with two-way communications
  • Location-based SMS enabling family members or caregivers to receive accurate GPS in a matter of seconds


Wellnest  Features
Wellnest is, indeed, a practical device that can benefit both an elderly individual and family members or healthcare services providers. The text above informed you about amazing characteristics of this product. Below, you can take a look at important features:

  • Refilling prescription through Amazon Alexa interaction
  • Reminders of medications
  • A connection to Uber for delivery and ride requests to help in medication delivery or transportation, if necessary
  • Calls 911 when necessary
  • GPS capabilities, particularly useful for those with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia

How Much Does It Cost?

Unfortunately, the price of Wellnest is not published just yet on the official website. In order to find out more about this, you can contact their customer support here.

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Elements of a Genius is a fast-growing US company whose first wearable item is set to revolutionize caregiving. The gadget, Wellnest, is specifically created to help the elderly and their families. It informs about a person’s location, calls for Uber or 911, and so much more. In addition, this device shows that wearable technology market is set to focus on seniors rather than younger population only.


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