Endless Id

Endless ID- A Next Generation NFC Wearable One Can Have In Possession


Endless Id is a device that is designed to look like a bracelet, and it helps to monitor the user health condition and signal for assistance when the need arises.

This device works well, maintains privacy, and you no longer need to worry, as it will closely monitor your health.

It is an innovative medical device, and it gives reliable results despite the type of medical condition one is suffering from.

This wearable device is useful in the diagnosis of the user, as the first responders and healthcare professionals access emergency details from here.

This device is sold online, and those interested can visit the brand’s website.

It is available in black or white colors, and it is sold at a price of $49.99, buying this device together with Swarovski stones will cost you $69.99, and EID card is available at the cost of $19.99.

How Endless ID Work?


This wearable device works by collecting vital medical information of the user. For you to use this device, you have to create a medical profile with Endless ID.

Personal information like PIN and ID numbers should be added to the device.

In case of any health condition or uneasiness, the user should tap NFC technology mobile device or enter the device pin by logging in to EIDp11.com.

This will send a notification text to the emergency contacts, thus making it easier to reach the user and take necessary action. The device has a record of vital information, and this will be used by doctors for emergency treatment before establishing the main cause of the problem.

Endless ID Privacy

This device complies with HIPAA to ensure maximum security and protecting the user personal information that is provided when registering this device.

Emergency contact information is updated on an online profile, and there is no leakage of information.

Features of Endless ID

Features of Endless ID

This device has unique features that make it efficient in executing its function and offer the user the maximum support.

The features include:

  • Compatibility – This device is compatible with all types of cellular device including: Android, smart phone, and older versions.
  • A fashionable design– It is designed to look like a bracelet, making it convenient to use and it is not easy to tell that it is a medical gadget.
  • Durable – It is battery free and water resistant.
  • Individual profile– The profile can be updated and add a profile picture. The information in the profile is secure.
  • EID card – It contains important information that is used for logging in.

The Pros of Endless ID

The Pros of Endless ID

  • It is easy to operate
  • It monitors the user health condition
  • It sends signal when the need arises
  • The information provided is secure
  • It is water resistant
  • It is durable and does not require a battery
  • It is compatible with all types of cellular device
  • It provides useful information for emergency treatment
  • It has a fashionable design
  • The card contains important sensitive information, and anyone can use it to log in in case the user is unwell

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This wearable device is a relief to many people as it helps to monitor the user health condition. It is ideal for use by people who undergo sudden health condition, and it can also be used by anyone who wants to track their body activities.

This device will include relief relatives and people who take care of such people who get the sudden medical condition, and they can comfortably carry out their activities without having people around them.

It is a very convenient medical device, as it sends signal inform of a message notification when the need arises. This will help to reach the affected individuals faster and provide emergency treatment.

This device has a fashionable design, and it looks like a bracelet. You just need to register personal information for you to start using it. It is compatible with all types of mobile devices, making it convenient for use by everyone.

This device will help the first responders and healthcare professionals to access information that will aid in diagnose. This makes it easier to manage the user, thus saving their lives.
This device is secure, and the information available is not leaked. It can also be updated, and the user can change the profile photo. It comes in 2 colors black and white, and customers can select their favorite.

This device makes it easier to track ones health vital information. It is available for buying online, and those interested can visit the brands website and place orders from there.

Image Credits
Feature Image Credit: endlessid.com
Inpost Image Credit: gadgetflowcdn.com

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