Eversleep Sleep Monitor

Start Your Mornings Refreshed With Eversleep Sleep Monitor


To achieve your health goals, it is advisable to provide your body with sufficient restful sleep. Getting enough sleep every night will go a great mile to help burn your unwanted body fat, improve your overall health and build a new lean muscle mass. Regardless of the importance of healthy sleep, over 63% of Americans suffer from sleep issues. Without the proper sleep amount, your body will be unable to perform most of the detoxifying and regenerative processes that contribute to great health. Some poor sleep hygiene symptoms include headaches, fatigue, increased inflammation, and daytime drowsiness.

How To Improve Your Sleeping Habits?

In an effort to improve their sleeping habits, most people resolve to use pharmaceutical sleep drugs to help get their sleep cycle back in order. However, some of these drugs might cause a broad range of adverse side effects that can degrade your body’s health further. According to studies, pharmaceutical sleep drugs can cause nausea, skin conditions, cognitive disorders, and weight gain.

To successfully maintain a regular sleep pattern, it is important first to identify the main reasons behind your poor sleep and start addressing them. The world of wearable tech provides a broad range of fitness monitors to sleep-deprived consumers. These wearables are capable of delivering necessary sleep monitoring functionalities. However, most wearable fitness monitors are incapable of providing detailed sleep analysis. Additionally, they are unable to offer actionable advice.

Sleeping Habits

The Eversleep sleep monitor has promised to revolutionize sleep tracking. The tracker is in a position to detect broad spectrum biometric information and provide detailed assessments of sleep patterns. More importantly, the Eversleep sleep monitor can provide actionable advice. The device offers high-level details far greater than most sleep monitors on the market. It is rapidly becoming among the most popular health tech products of 2017.

What Exactly Is Eversleep Sleep Monitor?

The Eversleep sleep monitor is an all new sleep monitoring device presently being launched on Indiegogo. The device incorporates a unique technology that has captured the attention of tech news media sites such as Box Roundup, medGadget, Venturebeat, and Warable. More importantly, the Eversleep solution has managed to capture over $18,000 towards a goal of $40,000 in only a few days of an active campaign.

The Eversleep sleep monitor is a wearable with a difference. It is in a position to monitor a variety of biometric parameters such as movement, respiratory function, pulse rate, blood oxygen and snoring. Currently, the Eversleep sleep monitor is considered the most accurate sleep monitoring wearable on the market.

The Eversleep Sleep Monitor Difference

Sleep Monitor Difference

The Eversleep wearable is by far different from other sleep monitoring solutions. One important factor makes the wearable to stand out. Rather than offering users with sleep monitoring analytics, this wearable offers comprehensive sleep coaching coupled with highly actionable advice. The Eversleep wearable delivers easy to understand and detailed information on some of the best ways to improve the quality of your sleep. This helps make getting regenerative, restful sleep effortless.

Most of the sleep monitors presently on the market claim to deliver accurate sleep tracking. However, they are only capable of monitoring heart rate, which isn’t the best way to monitor sleep function. The Eversleep wearable comprises of a wrist-mounted wearable paired to a finger mounted unit via a short cord. The finger-mounted unit contains a secondary sensor suite.

The Eversleep sensors allow the user to perform snore detection, blood oxygen levels, movement, breathing analysis, and heart rate tracking. Combining all these data allows the Eversleep to gain an accurate image of the user’s sleep stage. This enables it to create customized insomnia detection and sleep profile.

Functionality And Features Of Eversleep Sleep Monitor

Functionality And Features
The Eversleep device allows for pairing with a dedicated smartphone app available for both iOS and Android. Interacting with the data gathered by the Eversleep wearable allows the app to provide tips, advice, and insights on ways to best improve your sleep health.

Besides providing breathing analysis and snore analysis, the Eversleep offers users the ability to comprehend the sports recovery cycle to improve their physical performance dramatically. To start using the Eversleep, you are only required to pair your smartphone with the device and attach the wearable to your finger and wrist. Before going to sleep, the app will prompt you with several targeted questions to determine your alcohol intake, total caffeine intake, nicotine intake, and health status.

The Eversleep then takes the gathered information in a nightly questionnaire. The answers you provide are measured against over 40 different biometric parameters to come up with a comprehensive sleep profile. The resulting sleep profile is compared with more than 5,000 different combinations of sleep status to come up with personalized, relevant, easy to understand, and detailed sleep movement advice.

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The Eversleep sleep monitor is the first sleep monitor in the world to provide such high-resolution levels. Additionally, it is the only sleep monitor capable of providing sleep coaching based on respiratory function and blood oxygen levels. The Eversleep Indiegogo campaign is currently underway; therefore, back it if you are looking to improve your sleep health using a sleep monitor designed by the best sleep technicians.


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