Body Fat and Muscle Can Now Be Tracked: InBody WATCH


Wearable technology is advancing to areas that were never imagined in the recent past. They are being used to track your fitness levels by monitoring different elements in your body, steps taken in your work out sessions analyzing them, and giving you a feedback. The devices also give you a way forward and/or a solution for a specific challenge you are currently facing. Today another device has been launched and is to be released to the market late this year. The wearable device has extensive capabilities include monitoring fat levels and muscle. InBody WATCH is the device.


It is a wearable device, which utilizes technology with the means of offering you as the user extensive health and fitness benefits. The wearable device operates similar to other smart devices or watches. What differentiates it is that it offers precise, dependable and more credible data compared to the others. It measures blood flow and arterial stiffness using the pulse wave velocity or the PWV; indicates presence of risks in relation to different heart diseases preventing occurrence. Furthermore, it tracks your body fat and gives you the percentage, which also adds to taking a step towards ensuring that you are perfectly healthy and at no risk of acquiring a heart disease.

How it Works?

The device is said to utile the sensors i.e. the ECG and the PPG to track the PWV i.e. the pulse wave velocity. In simpler terms, the device works by sending and running an electric current that collects data throughout your body and once the process is complete, it gives you a percentage of fat in your body. The current released is so minimal such that you cannot feel it as it goes through your body.

InBody Works

The Fat Test

To track the percentage fat level in your body, you are required to follow a process. The device does not automatically offer you an answer by simply wearing it, you have to press some buttons. When taking the fat test, spread your hands separately in a circular motion until they are just above your stomach or in front. Let your other hand navigate the smart watch and open the fat test page. This is done using the side button; press it twice. There are two electrodes on the smart watch and to conduct the fat test, you are required to place your index and thumb fingers. The bottom side of the InBody WATCH contains other electrodes that should be pressed on your wrists completing the cycle. Once the placing is done, the watch begins to track your fat at a period of around 30 seconds giving a final percentage.


The smart watch has several extensive features that aid in its functionality. These features include:

The InBody tests: This feature allows you to check and assess your body fat and your body muscles. It offers you a clear understanding and perception of the status that your own body is in at that specific moment.

HRM or Heart Rate Monitoring: This feature allows your watch to measure your heart rate continuously, during your regular workouts and preventing you from conducting excessive training. It also assists you in managing the right work out intensity at a certain level.

Inbody Activity

PWV or the pulse wave velocity

This measures the risks of cardiovascular or heart diseases by indicating the level of arterial stiffness you are experiencing.

Activity Training and Tracking: The smart watch tracks and records data in regards to distance travelled when running or exercising, counts the steps taken, amount of calories burned, tracks your sleep, and any other activity you may be into. It generally incorporates all apparent features that are expected to be found in a fitness center. It also analyzes and draws a graph in regards to all the data present and records all your achievements. It also helps you to set new targets and timelines which remind you what to do and when.

Training Period: The InBody WATCH assists you in your training processes and schedules. The smartwatch has sensors that are able to recognize any kind of movement during exercising. In addition, it optimizes your exercises and helps you achieve the best in your workout routine.

Sleep Pattern Analysis: The smart device is able to analyze, create and develop better sleep patterns. They also offer you a perfect sleep pattern ensuring you are refreshed and relaxed when you wake up.

Sleep Pattern Analysis

Multiple Sensors: The smart watch has around four sensors that are biometrical in nature. This enables you to measure your heart rates and body fat continuously and at a go if willing.

Physical button: The watch only has one single button that is responsible for switching own the LCD display and navigating the watch.

Other features include:

  • Silicone strap that are flexible in nature
  • Long battery life of around 7 days to 10 days
  • The smartwatch is also water-resistant is splashed but is limited to swimming

See Also: Wearable Tech is Still a Fitness King


The watch is one that can drive a person crazy. If willing to buy it, make your pre order at a price of around 180 dollars. Do not miss the new technology in making.


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