Wearables This August

5 Innovative People To Watch In Wearables This August


Wearables belong to the group of the most influential area of consumer technology. In fact, the wearable technology market is set to exceed $4 billion in 2017. Also, 1 in 6 consumers currently owns and use wearable tech. Behind the amazing evolution of wearables are the innovative people who think outside the box, bring the community together, and make a significant contribution to the society in general. These people are determined and see the “big picture” of wearable technology. Below, you can see the list of five amazing individuals to watch in August.

1. Tom Emrich (We Are Wearables founder)

Tom Emrich
Tom Emrich, also referred to as “the man from the future” is one of the leading voices in wearable technology, augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR). His mission is to enhance innovation and adoption in technology which is augmenting the human experience. Emrich is the founder of We Are Wearables, a community of more than 250,000 professionals who are dedicated to AR, VR, and wearable technology.

Chapters of We Are Wearables are located in Chicago, San Francisco, Toronto, Ottawa, and AWG (Augmented World Expo). Community members that are a part of We Are Wearables believe that wearable technology is the next wave of computing which will change human experience and make us do everything better.

Tom is considered as an influencer in the field of wearable technology as well as AR and VR. Why is he the person to watch? Well, he believes that wearable technology can contribute to human evolution, make our lives easier, and he influenced and brought together an entire community, thousands of people whose goal is to improve user experience and help wearable tech grow.

2. Sara Chipps (Jewelbots, co-founder)

Sara Chipps is a computer programmer based in New York City. Together with Brooke Moreland and Scott Davison, she founded Jewelbots, friendship bracelets for an iPhone era. Basically, these technology-enabled bracelets are specifically created for tween and teen girls as a communication tool. The design that features on the bracelet lights up when BFFs are near one another, or it can be used for buzzing to send messages to friends across the school.

Unlike many other wearables that are primarily created for adults, Chipps opted for the other direction and focused on younger generation. The Jewelbots bracelets are more than an accessory that looks pretty on a girl’s wrist; it also encourages teenage girls to find passion in coding. This is a great gesture if we bear in mind that coding is dominated by men primarily.

3. Jennifer Darmour (electricfoxy, owner)

Jennifer Darmour
Jennifer Darmour is considered a pioneer in wearable technology. She owns electricfoxy, a wearable technology design studio exploring what makes technology wearable and creating an authentic beauty by combining artisanship and technology.

Darmour’s unique studio explores, experiments, and pushes boundaries of what humans define as an authentic beauty. Wearable tech found at electricfoxy celebrates the underdogs, independent individuals, and local shops that share the brand’s approach. What makes Jennifer Darmour ideal person for this list is a unique perception of both beauty and technology. Rather than considering one excludes the other, Darmour and her team blend two worlds for outstanding results.

4. Chuck Robbins (Cisco, CEO)

Chuck Robbins is CEO of Cisco, the American manufacturer of networking hardware. He is focused on helping companies, cities, and even countries to create better connections by building highly secure, software-defined, automated, and intelligent infrastructure platforms that drive business value.

Robbins has been in this business for more than 20 years, and he believes that the ever-changing tech marketplace brings a new wave of tech use. What makes him a massive contribution to wearable technology is his large-scale thinking as well as determination to move quickly in a marketplace that is flooded with tech manufacturers.

5. James Park and Eric Friedman (FitBit, creators)

James Park and Eric Friedman
The first activity tracker that comes across your mind is FitBit, right? It became a synonym for wearable technology that allows users to track the number of steps, heart rate, and achieve their fitness goals. Well, FitBit was created by James Park and Eric Friedman back in 2007, and the rest is history. Friedman and Park saw the potential for using sensors in small, wearable devices. They managed to raise $400,000, but then they realized it wasn’t enough. In order to solve this problem, two men did rounds of potential investors with a circuit board in a wooden box. The idea proved to be effective. Now, FitBit owns about 50% of the world’s wearable market.

See More: The Best Waterproof Wearables That You Can Wear While Taking A Dive


Wearable technology makes our lives significantly easier, and it is primarily due to creativity and adventurous spirit of people behind useful gadgets and platforms that build communities of talented individuals. Five people on this list push the boundaries and dare to explore different aspects of wearable tech to enhance user experience.


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