Brain-Sensing Device

Brain-Sensing Device – Muse Helps You Sleep and Calms You Down


Once in a while everyone has some troubles of falling asleep or they can sleep but wake up a few times during the night and just cannot have a good night’s sleep. If that happens every once in a while, then it is not so bad, but what if you are having these issues constantly and are un able to relax and just keep on having a horrible night sleep.

Some of you might have tried to give up on coffee, or to have a glass of milk before going to sleep, and in some cases it might have worked, but in many cases that just isn’t enough. If you are one of those people, do not despair, there are solutions to your problem and will be revealed in the upcoming part of this text.

So what could you do to finally have good night sleep? Well the solution comes in a form of a brain sensing device named Muse. This device is used to measure EEG brain waves. It does not read what you are thinking, but it detects electrical activity in your brain by using its built-in sensors.

So How Do You Use This Device?

It is fairly simple. All you have to do is to put it around your head and listen for brainwaves. Muse detects five different types if brainwaves: alpha waves which occur during wakeful relaxation, gamma waves which occur during higher mental activity such as consolidating info, theta waves which occur during drowsiness, visualization and light sleep and last but not least beta waves which occur while problem solving and alert activity.

For this device to work properly it has to have a solid contact with your skin. That means that you will have to spend a few minutes each time you attach it. You will be able to know that everything is working fine if all the sensors show up in a full block of color. If you have long hair, make sure there is no hair around your ears. That makes the device not to function.

brain sensing device helps you sleep

There is one secret to this device, and that is that before each session you will have to calibrate the device with your own brainwaves by doing some very simple exercises like thinking about some soothing objects. When your mind is in a state of calmness, you will hear birds, and the device will always measure just how often you get distracted and how many birds you can hear, and at the end it will give you badges and points.

If you are one of many people who think that they are just awful at meditating, here is your chance to change that. Just follow the instruction and keep your mind calm. Your firs attempts may not be something, but keep on trying and you will reach your desired goals.

There is a good reason why Muse works so well, and that is that it uses an app and provides you with a live feedback while you are using the device. So if you cannot hear any birds and the weather is louder and louder, you know you are being distracted. If you do not like the sound of birds, you can always change to something else. You can choose from different sounds such as sounds of desert, rainforest or even a city park.

So How Much Does It Cost?

The Muse is not a cheap device and it will cost you around $300. But if you have tried all other methods and could not find any solution to your problems then this might be a good investment of your money.

To Conclude

If you have been struggling for a long time with having a good sleep, and did not come up with a solution, or you just need to be more focused on the presents, then this device is something that you can benefit greatly from. It will help you get the desired results and you will be a much calmer person. Sure, you might not see the first results in your very first day, but they will come, just ne persistent and in touch with your inner self.


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