Novice Wearable Wearers

Basic Tips for Novice Wearable Wearers


Wearable manufacturers have always had a reputation of coming up with solutions to problems we never even had knowledge of. Even so, that is an advantage in this fast transforming technological world. More close to half of the global population at the moment own a wearable of some kind. Whether it is Fitbit fitness devices, Gear S3 from Samsung, Gear VR or the Apple Watch does not matter; the point is that wearables are gradually taking over the technological world and at one point or another, you are bound to use one. They make life easy and complicated at the same time. The easy part is for the experienced users but for the complicated part, beginners will have to adjust and here are the tips to consider.

What is it?

The best logical starting point for beginner wearable users is getting to know what it actually is and what it does. Wearables are devices that help you perform daily activities with simplicity and ease. However, their application field is not limited to routine tasks but can as well be used to do special tasks with minimal effort compared to when the same task was being done without the wearable device. A typical example is the use of fitness trackers to monitor the body’s physiological processes during an intense and physically demanding exercise or exercises. In this case, the fitness tracker acts like a secondary doctor in a special way; it not only keeps track of the body’s vital readings but can offer recommendations based on the recorded reading although this feature is only available in some models and not all of them. Wearables can connect smartphones via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. They fall into many categories and are of a plethora of types for instance smartwatches, sport watches and virtual reality headsets, just to mention a few.

beginner wearable

Making a choice

With adequate knowledge of wearables, it is equally important to choose the right wearable that works for you. Wearables should not be purchased because they look fancy or trending (which they are by the way) or because a friend has bought one. In choosing which wearable to consider purchasing, it is important to first and foremost know what you want to achieve with the wearable.

Secondly, it is important to consider whether or not the wearable is the most appropriate for the task you are trying to simplify. What works best for someone might not work well for you. Thirdly, it is also advisable to consider personal style when making the choice which is another reason not to rely on the opinion of friends or people when it comes to choosing to adorn in a wearable.

Why buy a wearable?

Other than the obvious reasons that have already been mentioned above, why else would you need a wearable tech device. These devices are popular for a reason and are slowly being adopted not only because of their primary functional significance but because of their multifunctional nature, for instance;

It helps you stay connected
Most wearable devices have been customized to sync with other technological devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones. The primary advantage of this is that it enables you to perform tasks you would have otherwise postponed due to the unavailability or involving nature of using these devices in difficult and challenging environments. Picture trying to answer a Facebook notification on a laptop while in the gym. It is involving, tedious and uncalled for but picture doing the same thing at the comfort of a wearable device attached to your wrist while working out; it’s convenient.

They help you stay healthy
Staying fit in addition to maintaining the recommended weight are some of the fundamental ingredients of a healthy life style. This is of course if combined with good sleep and how best you can achieve these objectives other than by respective wearables that measure such parameters. Some of the wearable to consider under this category if you are a beginner include but not limited to Apple Watch, Fitbit Charge 2, Amazon Voice, Fitbit Flex 2 and Samsung Gear S3.

stay healthy

It connects your home
Wearables are not limited to the body but can as well be synced with a myriad of home devices such as home theatre system, heating system, CCTV security cameras (if you have one), thermostats or air conditioners as well as the lighting system. Assuming you have all these systems, you could operate all of them at the comfort of one wearable. In short, these machines can communicate with each other and with your wearable with minimal effort from you. This is of course if you choose the right device that can serve your needs and integrates all these home devices in the process.


Wearable devices serve to simplify life. That is the simplest explanation to their fast trending nature. You might be looking for a camera for extreme sports, pet tracking wearables, daily lifestyle planner, baby monitors or security devices but the reason remains the same-to simplify the way you do your routine activities. For beginners, this can be a new concept but personal evaluation and adaptability is the key to getting the most out of these high-end technological gizmos.


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