Pebble Data- Happiness

Pebble Data Claims Happiness is Caused by Friends, Alcohol and Yoga


Do you know what makes you feel happy? Would you have a clue on when exactly you’re more productive and energized? Probably you do not know. We all tend to have notions concerning the answers of the questions listed above. What if data had the capacity to give information that would assist you become happy and a better version of yourself?

Pebble Launches its Happiness App

Pebble took 10,000 users’ data of its happiness app and later on shared their initial findings, on what makes people happy. After the release of this app, about 10,000 users had it installed in their gadgets, logged in and viewed the kind of response they got.

What Makes Individuals Happy?

In respect to the data collected, which was based on a week’s program, alcohol happened to be the main indicator of happiness as at now. However, it is often short lived. Other healthy activities that may help boost your regular routine is yoga, which is considered more important in boosting your happiness (that is after alcohol). There is also exercise, meditation and socializing. The ones that score lowly and are found at the bottom are work, commuting and meetings.

Commuting and Meetings

Not much of a surprise but these charts can certainly make an excellent read. For example, pebble users fell happy in their friends’ company compared to the company of their family or spouse. The energy and peak alerts seem set during the morning, lunch hour and gradually drops as the day progresses. However, a small bump is experienced at 7pm in the evening, when the majority of people leave work.

According to the Data Scientist of Pebble

A data scientist and head of pebble blog post, published on Medium in regards to viewing the initial graph sets and findings. It focuses on mood, groups of people, time of day, location, energy and the time when we engage in certain activities.

The data’s power will certainly be in recognizing your own personal triggers for energy, mood and comprehending the flow of your daily patterns. With this information, you are in a better place of knowing how, when, where you should try optimize and feel at your best. Hence, giving you a deeper understanding into why you may be feeling different when in different situations present themselves.

Time of Day

Time of Day
For many individuals, happiness is compared to a tank that is filled in the morning, gradually peaks around lunch hour and slowly empties while the day progresses. However, there is a sharp peak experienced at 7pm. Most people prefer and enjoy spending time in their homes with their loved ones or spending time with friends. The data shows the emotional value this happy hour bestows on individuals. Moreover, this will not be the first time research has hypothesized 7pm as the happy hour of the day.

Company of Friends and Location

When it comes to assessing the impact of location and company, users recorded their best mood while in their friend’s company, family or significant other. The concept of emotional impact in a person’s social life is not new. Researches done in the past suggest that extremely happy people are extroverted and highly social than those who are less happy.

Yoga, Exercise, Socializing, Meditation, Alcohol and Caffeine

Yoga and Exercise
Individuals happened to be more energized after exercise and yoga activities. Alcohol, meditation, socializing and caffeine would follow. It is common knowledge that yoga, meditation and exercise are highly valuable, if you intend to experience long-term wellness. Such activities will have a great short-term benefit too.

Your focus should be directed towards thinking of how valuable it is to make better choices concerning your day. Get to find out when exactly you are more alert, think constructively, able to deal with challenging issues and more creative.

Trying to manage your energy instead of time, prevents you from being more productive. Schwartz (of the Energy Project) suggests that the main problem associated with long working hours is attributed to time being a limited resource. On the other hand, energy is actually a different story on its own. Getting to fully comprehend your energy patterns and triggers will assist you establish renewal rituals that will help improve on your energy dips. This is the appropriate path to take if you really want to maximize on your productivity and energy.

New Features

Pebble New feature
Pebble made an announcement that it has managed to add some new exciting features onto the app. For instance, users are now in a position to monitor their happiness levels for a 10 day period, a month or even indefinitely. There is also the option of reporting and checking on your mood four times in a day.

Read more here: Pebble Updates Devices with Voice Recognition


So far, the app has not only been interesting, but also a fun experiment on its own. It is a great challenge considering they pushed boundaries when it came to data collection. Happiness should certainly be standard, after all it is what everyone seeks to achieve ultimately while tracking our steps, heart rate, weight and work outs.


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