People Not Wearing Their Apple Watch

People Not Wearing Their Apple Watch? Here’s Why


The Apple Watch has been cited as one of the hottest gadgets in the past year or so, but would it be possible that some people aren’t wearing it as much as they should? Or is the gift from past Christmas already sitting in the drawer? Is it there for good? As more people take on the Apple Watch, let’s take a look at the reasons why it could be a little less used than it should, and what people should think about if they really want to take on the habit.

People are waiting for the trend to pick up

One of the very first reasons why the Apple Watch is sitting in the drawer would be that people might be waiting on the trend to pick up… however, they might be going to be waiting forever. Already a few predictions around the web are saying that the Apple Watch might be a flop for the company, at least compared to their other products. A trend is important for people to take on a mobile device because they most likely want the approval of others in public. However, on the positive side, the Apple Watch is just a watch and there’s really no need to wait for a trend to pick up to wear it. Sure, there might be some stares if you live in an area where you’re less likely to find tech-savvy people with the latest gadgets, but overall it should be well accepted. There’s no need to panic over the fact that you don’t see other people with one all the time after buying one.

People haven’t gotten into the habit yet

Getting used to a new gadget takes time, and yes, sometimes it even requires having it sit in the drawer for a while. Sometimes, we need to miss the gadget all throughout the day in order for us to take the decision to wear it the very next day. Certainly, the Apple Watch looks good on paper, but in reality, it can take time for us to really understand what all those specifications mean to us and our daily lives.

Apple Watch Gadget

They use it for a single purpose

There are some single-purpose wearables out there, but some people might still want to use their Apple Watch for one activity. That sure means a lot of off-time for a gadget this expensive, but it’s still a possibility that people underuse the Apple Watch if they get it out twice a week to do a sports session for instance.

They got excited for the wrong reasons

Or, you might’ve picked up the Apple Watch being excited about being able to check your messages on your wrist, while after all the method doesn’t work for you. Then, the Apple Watch has to find another purpose for you. But, thankfully, the Apple Watch is versatile enough to find some uses that you didn’t initially predict when buying the product. If you got excited for the wrong reasons at launch and got one, try to explore some of its other options and do a bit of visualisation to try and figure out where you could use it, and most importantly, enjoy using it. Maybe messaging wasn’t your thing and that tracking data with it will end up being its first use… you never know. The apps the Apple Watch is about to use could bring new life to it constantly, and that’s exactly what Apple will aim to do.

In conclusion, it isn’t because some people are putting the Apple Watch in the drawer that it is doomed. You can wait, review, test things… it isn’t a gadget that deserves only one chance. Sure, the trend might take some time to pick up in the mainstream or there may not be one at all, but there’s surely a lot of value and possibilities on your wrist, when you wear it that is. The web could be a great place for testimonies where people ended up using the Apple Watch for another purpose than the one they originally intended to. Even with the most expensive purchases, sometimes you end up with surprises, and that could very likely be the case with the Apple Watch.


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