Ripple Wearable Safety Device

Ripple Wearable Safety Device-Connects to an Emergency Response Team


Ripple is the first wearable safety device that is integrated with an emergency response. The device keeps you connected to a professional monitoring team throughout the day and night, anywhere in the United States. The device helps you to get an emergency response when you need it.

The Design of Ripple Device

Ripple device consists small square-shaped devices that can be clipped onto a zipper. This can be on your jacket or on any other cloth. The small devices are called the Ripple buttons. The device is accompanied by an app, which should be installed on your smartphone or tablet.

The Device Designer’s Information

Ripple wearable device is produced by Fort Lauderdale Company that is based in Florida. The co-founder of the company is Rees Bowen Gillespie. Less is known about the company’s background information.

Device Designer

The Features of the Ripple Wearable Device

  • It features a Bluetooth connectivity that allows you to connect the ripple button with your smartphone app.
  • The device is water-resistant.
  • It has a brooch clip that makes it easy to attach to your items such as keys, clothing, jewelry etc.
  • It is small in size and light in weight making it easy to be with it at any place.
  • It has a battery that lasts for six months and does not require to be charged.

How to Use Ripple Wearable Device?

To use the device, you are required to:

  • Download the Ripple app from the Google play store or the iTunes App Store.
  • Build a personal profile with the Ripple team. You should share the information that you like with the team, one that will help them know in the event of an emergency. It is important to include your date of birth, your profile picture, and your physical description, which entails your weight, eye color, height, and hair color. Other information that is essential is your medical conditions, allergies, and current medication.
  • Wear the ripple button that will help the emergency team to detect the critical situation you are in. This makes it easy for you since you don’t have to explain it yourself and in some instances, you are not in a position to.

How the Device Works?

Device Works
Ripple device is used to automatically relyon your information to a member of the ripple team. The device informs the team with the vital information ahead of time. This enables them to reach to you in time to respond to the emergency situation. When faced with an emergency situation, you are supposed to tap the ripple button thrice. This will contact the team and they will dispatch emergency responders to your location.

The Device Is User-Friendly

The device allows you to set up how you would like the button to work. You can choose whether to alert the police to your location, an ambulance or your mobile phone. You can connect to any other mobile phone. When you press the button thrice, it will alert the specific team that you have set. The device also allows you to fill the information that you would like to share.

Benefits of Using Ripple Wearable Device

  • The device is easy to use.
  • It is user-friendly and customizable.
  • The device saves you from narrating the situation when caught up in an emergency.
  • The manufacturer provides you with a battery replacement for free.

Ripple Wearable Device

Reasons Why We Need the Device in Our Day-To-Day Lives

The device is designed to help you in day-to-day activities. They are numerous situations that risk your life into danger, they include going home at night, emergency health issues, encounter with dangerous people, and suspicious sounds and movements in your compound etc.

Availability of the Wearable Device

The ripple wearable device is available on the manufacturer’s website. You are required to pay a certain amount as the flat rate, which is followed by a subscription fee for some few months. A try ripple costs $49 with a subscription rate for three months, ripple for one at $129 and a12 month subscription fee, Ripple for two at $229 and a subscription fee for 24 months, a ripple device for the family at $529 for a subscription rate for 60 months, and a ripple device to save the world for $ 8999 for a subscription fee for 1200 months. The fee mainly caters for 24/7 monitoring team. For a one-year coverage, the ripple emergency transponder system is priced at about $129.

See Also: Wearables for Personal Safety – Be on the Safe Side


Ripple wearable device is a high-quality and reliable safety device that has an emergency response services. It connects you to a 24/7-support team based in the United States. The device is easy to use, convenient, portable, and customizable. It helps to connect people to emergency respondents by enhancing their safety. The support team relays crucial information to the emergency responders. It is important to have such a device as the ripple wearable in the case of any emergency especially where you are not in a position to communicate. The device is currently offering services in the United States. Hopefully, the device will be all over the world connecting people to emergency respondents in their locations.


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