Smart Bandages Wearable

Smart Bandages Wearable Feedback Monitors Are The New Healing Source


Smart seems to be the trend and style that is taking on the technological world. Ranging from smart devices including mobile phones, televisions to wearable devices, technology is now making advancement in the medical world. From medications to medical equipment, technology has now led to the development of smart bandages aimed at offering a better alternative at ensuring your personal health. The technology being used in the smart bandages is designed to offer customized medical assistance or medical approach to different medical issues.

Smart Bandages: What They Are?

Similar to other bandages, these are designed to offer relief through tracking individual health status. They are said to do so by utilizing very tiny sensors. The sensors are highly sensitive and are able to monitor elements such as clotting, blood infections and any other medical elements affecting you as individual. The smart bandages work by transmitting the data tracked to your physician. This ensures that the physicians or doctor have an accurate data set that indicates how well or how bad a patient is fairing during the treatment period. Furthermore, it ensures that symptoms or infections are diagnosed as they start to present themselves allowing for better medical treatment.

The smart bandages offer tracked information and individual medical condition on real time. The signs are seen immediately and a course of action taken. You no longer need the long term doctor appointments for your injury to be checked every now and then. All you need is a smart bandage and the doctors can monitor you at the comfort of your home while they are still in the hospital.

Smart Bandages: How They Work?

Smart Bandages Work

These smart wearable healing bandages use nano-sensors. These are highly effective and highly sensitive such that they are able to detect any form of change that occurs even in the smallest of an individual’s biometric data. There are other technologies that are also linked to the smart bandages that ensure effectiveness and efficiency in its functionality. These include nano-electronics, biochemistry, coating and printing.

  • Patient Tracking
    As a patient, you are entitled to disclosure of your medical information. The smart bandages ensure that you are not left out. All the information that is available to the doctor as a result of the tracking that has been continuing on your body is also availed to you as an individual. Using your mobile phone, you have the ability to acquire the biometric data and track your medical conditions and acquire the ability to voice any concerns on your health. Furthermore, you may be able to check out other health factors such as your general activity levels or diet balance etc. and implement or execute other plans to improve on them.
  • Intelligence
    Information provides a better base or ground on which treatment or services are offered. The smart bandages provide physicians and other clinicians with the technology they need and above all actionable intelligence at the right moment or time. The intelligence is able to assist the clinicians in readjusting their medical approach to suit you as an individual and the general medical condition of the wound being treated. Now, doctors don’t have to worry about wrong wound care or diagnosis, all they have to do is ensure you have a smart bandage to address the challenges that may come with the wound. Furthermore, it emphasizes on working together for both the patient and the physician or doctor in ensuring health is achieved or maintained by addressing issues and challenges you face on a daily basis.

Smart Bandages:Future

Smart Bandages Future

Smart bandages are about to enter the medical world, and provide better and much more healthy healing processes. Just the other day, we witnessed the appearance of bandages that changed in color to indicate an infection especially on a wound. Even though today’s smart bandages have no wireless connection, it is our hope that this is bound to change with time. This is a change that is worth accommodating into our daily lives and especially in ensuring better health prospects for us as individuals

Smart Bandages: Developers

The smart bandages are being designed and developed at the Swansea University. In fact, the university has made tremendous progress in the smart bandages technology and is expected to start their trials in less than a year. The competition in this specific field is growing and the University of California is being said to be developing some prototypes in the area too. These are yet to be released for trials but it is evident that the Swansea University needs to up its game. Furthermore, with the UC Berkley coming into the medical industry with its smart bandages that are said to be able to detect and identify bedsores, more competition is streaming in.

Explore this too: Why Nix Wearable Hydration Sensor Is The Best Upcoming Biosensor?


Technological advancement is something that is being experienced across all industries. The development of the smart bandages is one of the amazing inventions and advancements known to man. It is set to assist individuals in improving their health and ensuring better health maintenance. Such kind of technology is bound to ensure change is experienced in a positive way.


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