Smart Ring from Nimb

A Smart Ring from Nimb will make the World Safer


A recent report has revealed that panic buttons top the list of the world’s most wanted wearables. However, they are not enough for everyone. For this reason, Nimbs is looking forward to change everything. A smart ring perfectly hides a button that is in a position to send distress signals to alert families, friends as well as emergency services. The button can also record audios using a smartphone to use as evidence.

The team is based in New York and it is currently finalizing its kickstarter campaign to raise money needed to produce large amounts of the smart jewelry. According to Kathy Roma, the communications director and Nimb co-founder, the idea began about two years ago. Leo Bereschansky, the Nimb CEO was told by his friend a story about how her ex-partner stalked her. She spent a whole hour disagreeing with him and calling for help. She did not get any help and since the man held her hands, she could not reach for her phone and call for help. In addition, she was not able to reach for her bag to grab her pepper spray and other devices for self defense.

The story hit Leo deeply and that is when he started having thoughts of how to deal with emergency situations where someone cannot reach their phone to call for help. This is a common issue today especially if someone has some health issues or is being assaulted.

The Design Dilemma

Smart Ring Design
Choosing to create a smart ring rather than a bracelet, necklace or belt was a quick decision. The team was looking to create something easy to use with a simple touch of a thumb or finger in case of an emergency and a ring was the best choice. However, Nimb has not ruled out the addition of better wearables to their collection that people can wear on other parts of the body in the near future.

Although it was easy to decide making a ring, getting the perfect design was not easy. According to Roma, they were aware of the fact that if their ring was not cool or likeable, it would not get the attention of users resulting to fewer sales. Since emergencies do not occur on a daily basis, people need to put on some cool stuff that blends well with their style and normal life.

According to Leo, his team did not differentiate men from women when designing the smart ring. However, when designing the ring their main focus was women. The team managed to come up with something great for both the female and male hand.

Nimb chose to settle for an unlikely look for the ring. This was after trying several prototypes. According to Leo, the individual behind the ring design is a professional architect. He has spent his whole career projecting open spaces and buildings and this was the first time he attempted jewelry and wearable. The team collaborated with a number of industrial design companies and jewelry companies, but opted for the architect’s design since it looked very great. In addition, it made the ring comfortable and light.

More than just a ring

Just a Ring
Nimb believes that the smart ring is only the beginning of increasing the personal safety of users. Because it is impossible to predict emergency possibilities, the team’s goal is to increase significantly chances of better outcomes in case of emergencies. It is also thinking of a crowdsourced security that can enable users to receive help effectively in case of trouble. One way could be police cooperation to ensure sharing of valuable information.

At the moment, Nimb is only designed for the US market, but Roma is very much aware that the ring will be valuable in most other world regions. She says that she receives letters from individuals from all corners of the world. Their stories really touch her and others can be very horrible. She is optimistic that the team will come up with a solution to change the current situation.

Nimb could be the very first smart panic button ring ever created. However, it is definitely not the first in the market. People have witnessed several smart rings before, some good and several not that good. Nimb is aware of the smart ring competition and is hoping not to make similar mistakes. It is looking forward to have better designs so that people can wear their smart rings comfortably every day.

Playing it Safe

Nimb is hoping to work on ergonomics to make the smart ring quick to use, easy and quiet. It does not make sense to have your other hand pressing the emergency button. This is a mistake that has been made by Nimb’s competitors before and the team is working hard not to make similar mistakes.


The Kistarter campaign is almost coming to an end and Nimbhas both long and short term plans. This includes integrating the system into current security systems such as the common 911 dispatch system as well as other types of public security systems.


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