Agent SmartWatch Is Indeed A Smart Watch!



The Agent SmartWatch is the one watch that can be worn and be comparable with smart phones. This is because it is able to run downloadable apps on it just like they can. The Agent SmartWatch is also capable of displaying incoming calls and texts just like a smartphone can as well. It can do all the things that a smartphone can do without having to be an actual smartphone. Smart is as smart does. The Agent SmartWatch is truly a smart and unique piece of technology that is great on all fronts.


  • Agent Smart Watch talks to your smartphone with help of Bluetooth
  • It enables control of one’s music library
  • Completely compatible with smartphones and runs downloadable apps
  • Smartwatch batteries are less than 10% the size of batteries that belong to smartphones
  • The apps that Smartwatch can run do include everything from running to weather in content
  • It has an advnce power management feature and this power management feature provides it with one week of battery life.
  • Is compatible with iOS, Android & Blackberry
  • It has a rechargeable battery
  • The Agent SmartWatch does use the very powerful ARM Cortex M4 Processor
  • There is two integrated light sensors available that will permit proper viewing of watch display in various lighting conditions
  • The Agent SmartWatch has incoming caller ID

How We Use It?
This watch can be worn for a wide variety of reasons that range from keeping track of health to communications to beyond. It does it all.

  • It has immediate workplace benefits attached to it
  • It has a clock and button interface
  • It has a working accelerometer
  • It has a working vibrator

Unique Features

  • It is totally compatible with Qi wireless charging
  • Completely coordinates with other technological devices that do work with same apps
  • Can also display incoming calls and text messages
  • No inter-process communication or white-listing is required
  • Watch apps are able to connect to internet to retrieve information from it
  • The price for this watch is $199.00
  • Has an E-Paper Display
  • This smartwatch can also be used as a regular watch to tell time with overall
  • The Agent SmartWatch can work very well with iPhone 4S and above
  • The Agent SmartWatch can work very well with any Android phones that are running 2.3 and higher
  • The Agent SmartWatch can work very well with any Windows Phone 8
  • The Agent SmartWatch is capable of two-way communications with smartphones
  • t has Fail-Safe Recovery Mode Option that will prevent the smartwatch from freezing up and there is a secondary processor that can totally reset the watch into a recovery mode as well

What gadget can do for us?

  • This smart watch can work a lot like a smartphone can when it comes to communications and entertainment purposes
  • Has World-Class Developer Tools – Watch apps can be written in C# by using Microsoft Visual Studios 2012
  • Watch apps can talk to Bluetooth Low Energy Devices such as door locks
  • These Watch apps can also communicate with heart rate monitors
  • These apps can also talk to Bluetooth devices such as smartphones in addition

Customer Reviews

There is a customer review posted at The SmartWatchReview and it gives a very favorable review on the Agent SmartWatch in detail. It talks all about the new Agent SmartWatch and just how this smart wearable device is doing its very best to provide the best of both worlds. What are these best worlds? They are no other than that of being able to have powerful watch apps that are combined along with awesome battery life.


The Agent SmartWatch is far more than just any watch that tells the time. It is truly a highly technological device that can do lots of amazing things and these amazing things are truly awesome in their own way. Therefore, if you want a watch that is very smart in its own way, then this smart watch is definitely what you do want for yourself.


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