Dorsavi Gets You Wired Up For Good Health!


Introduction Dorsavi is a very special group of wired sensors that are completely wireless and which do measure movement and muscle activity. Their goal is to provide bio feedback for people in the real-time.


  • Every person’s fingerprints are unique and so are their movements
  • Its connectivity is WIFI
  • Has a rechargeable battery
  • Compatibility is Windows and OSX
  • Dorsavi does consist of two wireless movement sensors, two electromyography sensors, and the ViPerform software package
  • This device is used to measure movement and muscle activity

How We Use It?

  • This device can be used for cost reduction, safety, and health in the workplace
  • Objective screening
  • Optimization of technique
  • Effective rehabilitation
  • Enhance decision making on way back to play

Unique Features

  • This high tech product comes available in three different packets
  • These three different packets are for different purposes
  • One packet is called ViMove and it is aimed at clinicians
  • Another packet is called ViSafe for employeers to track their injuries at work
  • The third packet is called ViPerform and it is focused on fitness and sporting usage only
  • Sensors can be placed in numerous different areas on the body itself
  • The RFD can fit very easily into a person’s pocket comfortably

What Gadget Can Do For Us?

  • This gadget can help you improve your overall performance
  • It does help to give one a competitive advantage as much as possible
  • Access weight techniques in the gym
  • Training programs that are very tailored to suit each person
  • The sensors wirelessly transmit data to the Recording and Feedback device
  • Help athletes to obtain and keep their peak performance
  • The very power and live software packageallows a person to view data from the sensors and see it in real time on a computer screen.
  • Provides objective data on a number of various metrics

Customer Reviews

There is a customer review posted at Expoelites Sports and it talks all about the benefits that go along with using the Dorsavi ViPerform. What makes the Dorsavi ViPerform so special is that it is very diverse at being a wearable technology device. It is capable of performing various tests and getting the results that a person does need for themselves.


Dorsavi provides all the movements that are unique about athletes and those who are on the move. It gives off bio feedback in the real time and gauges all that people do while wearing their very unique sensors that are wired in a completely wireless way to measure the movements of a person and their muscle activity at the very same time. If a person wants to truly be wired up for good health. They should use this device as much as is possible.


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