Ekso Bionics is all about pioneering new technology to help those who have suffered some form of spinal cord injury. The Ekso Bionics suit is a very specialized kind of suit that enables those with injuires in the lower extremities of the body to be able to stand up and walk again.
- Has a strong element of uniqueness from amid other bionic products
- It is a wearable bionic suit for medical rehabilitation and clinical assistance
- Has battery-operated motors that do drive the legs and enabling it to help deficient muscles
- Has a rechargeable battery
- Sensors in the device itself are what does initiate steps
How We Use It?
- It is used as a medical device to help people who have lower extremities injuries
- It is used to encourage medical rehabilitation and clincal assistance for those who need it most
- It provides a means for those with complete paralysis and a minimum of forearm strength to be able to stand and walk again
- It can be used to facilitate gait training for those who have had a stroke, spinal cord injury or disease, traumatic brain injury and more.
- It helps patients to be able to re-learn step patterns and motions
- Weight does shift by using a functional based type of platform
Unique Features
- It is designed solely for ease of use and utility in a clinical type of setting
- Has totally comfortable straps and push buttons that makes suit totally convenient and adjustable
- Has special step generator software to assist patients in being able to achieve optimum walking capabilities
- Walking with this endoskeleton suit is achieved by patient shifting their weight to activate the sensors
- Is able to accommodate a wide range of patients in motor ability
What gadget can do for us?
- Those who have been medically cleared and passed a physical examination have been able to walk in the very first session by using this endoskeleton suit
- Has First Step feature that is used by a physical therapist in order to actuate steps with just a push of a button. Users do progress from sit to stand and then from having a walker to then walking with the use of crutches. This usually does all take place during the very first session of use
- The Active Step feature allows the patient to take charge of actuating their own steps with the help of the buttons that are located on the crutches or on the walker
- The Pro Step features permits the user to be able to move their hips forward and also to be able to shift them laterally successfully
- The new feature called Pro Step Plus is all about steps being triggered off entirely by the user’s weight. It also all about another big plus and this big PLUS is the initiation of forward leg movement

Customer Reviews
There is a review at Wearable that gives the Ekso bionic suit all of the praise that it is worthy to receive in essence. This is because this excellent bionic suit is something that was created with a very singular and special purpose in mind. What is this singular and special purpose? The answer is to be a much valued source of help and rehabilitation to all those who have suffered some sort of lower extremities damage to their bodies and who cannot walk or stand. This bionic suit makes it possible for many to stand and walk again as before. It doesn’t matter if the individual has suffered trouble with their lower extremities due to injury or birth defects. The Ekso bionic suit can assist them in standing and walking like they once used to before they lost their motor skills. This Ekso bionic suit is a medical wearable suit for all those who need help in being able to use their motor skills once more and to help their deficient muscles at the very same time. This wearable medical suit is truly a marvel for medical and robotic science.
This very special suit is indeed special for all it can do. Just imagine being able to get up on one’s feet in light of paralysis and be able to walk about. This technology is designed for rehabilitation and clinical assistance. It is the very thing to help patients to achieve walking capabilities that can be come optimum in description.