Fitbit Flex Review


Unlike any other fitness band, Fitbit flex has the most serious design ever when considered in fitness device industry. The Fitbit Flex has the lightest weight than any other smart band.
How Fitbit flex works?

  • It monitors all your activities and sleep patterns
  • Than sync/connect your computer to your fitbit flex.
  • Watch actual real-time progress
  • Make your workout fun.

What does Fit bit flex tracks?

  • Number of Steps Taken
  • Total Distance Traveled
  • Calories Burned
  • Active Minutes
  • Hours Slept
  • Quality of Sleep

Coming Towards Features:

  • Fitness Tutor:
    Your fitness tutor tracks your daily activities and set daily goals for you. There are 5 lights and every light denotes 20% of your goal. Therefore this device encourage you accomplish your goal. The goals can be set from 3 categories which are Steps, Calories and distance.
  • 24 × 7 On Work: Flex never sleeps, at night when you are sleeping it measures your sleeping pattern and keeps a record of number of times you woke up, So that you can know when you have most sound sleep. It also comes with a gentle vibrating alarm which wakes you up at your desired time, without disturbing your Partner.
  • At night Flex tracks:
  1. How long and how well you sleep
  2. How many times you woke up.
  • In the Morning It:
  1. Wakes you with a silent Alarm.
  2. Won’t bother you partner.
  • Sync And See Your Progress: Flex is smart enough to sync all your data to your PC, iOS, Mac and android devices automatically, it even comes with NFC (Near Field Communications) to tap and see your daily stats.
  • Track your Health: Flex comes with online tools and a mobile app which will keep a track on your hourly calories burned and will suggest you ways to improve it, and when you will come to know you are coming closer to your daily goals it will motivate you to set higher goals.
  • Flex App: Flex app with the help of GPS in your phone sets a goal with place, time, splits and distance.
  1. Gives you MAP routes
  2. Sets a monthly exercise calendar
  3. Helps you to control music right from the app.
  • Motivation, Motivation And Motivation: Flex App comes with LeaderBoard which challenge you to do Better than your friends and motivates you to set new records by giving you an opportunity to earn badges. You can also check worldwide leaderBoard and upgrade your level.
  • Flexible Enough To Match Your Style: Flex comes with 10 different colors which include Black, Slate, Tangerine, Teal Navy, Violet, Blue, Lime, Pink, and Red.

Note:The band comes in two sizing format
Small – 5.5-6.9 incheslarge – 6.3-8.2 inches

Verdict:As the name suggests the device is made for fitness conscious people, the light weight and Flex app makes this device even more appealing. The variety of colours which fitbit offers makes this device a definite trend setter for all ages. The device seems pretty good at $99.99.

Caution: Be careful while selecting the perfect size for you as the device comes in two sizes (small and large)…


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