K1 FIT To Fit Your Life Just Right!


K1 FIT is a fitness activity and lifestyle tracking device to use for good health. It is able to successfully measure both calorie consumption and sleep efficiency in a very effective way for good health reasons. This very smart multi-sensor armband is something that detects all the very crucial things about you from a fitness and general health aspect. Through it, a person can learn about themselves, and the things that they do learn are super valuable in terms of their health for the future and longevity.


1.It has USB Connectivity
2.Has benefits for the workplace that are healthy
3.The Ki FIT measures far more than just steps
4.There are various peripheral items that can be purchased for this device through Ki Performance
5.The price is 127.99 for this wristband device

How we use it?

1.The Ki FIT can track your steps
2.The Ki FIT can track your sleep

3.The Ki FIT can track your movement
4.The Ki FIT can track body heat and moisture
5.The KI FIT tracks all of your vital stats that count the most
6. You can determine from this wristband just how good of health you are in or not in

Unique Features:

1.USB Connectivity
2.Rechargeable Battery
3.Windows OSX Compatibility
4.Has an Accelerometer 5.Has an Galvanometer
6. K1 FIT has a purview monitoring interface that views all kinds of different stuff together from sleeping and calorie burning to beyond
7. K1 FIT helps you monitor your metabolism and learn how to improve it with time

What gadget can do for us?

1.Fitness data can be uploaded to a person’s computer
2.Can help a person to keep track of their daily caloric intake
3.Can help a person to monitor their movements from day to day
4.Can help a person to monitor their sleep amount each night
5. It can help you improve your metabolism and this metabolism in turn promotes better health from a fitness and dietary intake on all fronts

Customer Reviews

David Clare who is the editor of Pixel Health gave a great review on his website at http://pixelhealth.net/. He gave the new Ki FIT Activity Tracker And Sleep Tracker a score of 7 on a scale of 1 to 10.


What makes the K1 FIT fitness and activity tracker top of the line for good health is very clear. It is all about monitoring a person’s personal health signals when they are not monitoring it on their own. The K1 FIT is truly an awesome fit for a man or woman’s life in every way. It is the perfect monitoring system for one’s own personal health on all fronts. This health monitoring device is far more than just a health device for measure steps. This is because it measures so very much more indeed. The secret of K1 FIT is that it works with each person’s unique metabolism and permits that individual to do work from this special aspect. Our metabolism is everything and K1 FIT adjusts to suit each metabolism from day one. Metabolism is the very key for a person to reach their own personal fitness goals.


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