LarkLife To Help Make You Happier And Healthier!



Larklife is a Healthkit app that talks to a person and helps them to work towards getting active and staying active as much as possible. It is the one way to talk you into being healthier and happier in every way.


  • A Healthkit app that is a favorite with many for the way it helps one to manage their health
  • What is great about Larklife is that it is a talking computer program just like Siri
  • This amazing app focuses on just two things and these two things are fitness and health
  • Doesn’t have any extra gadgets
  • iOS 8 and HealthKit powered

How We Use It?

  • This program was designed by world renowned Lark Health Committee.
  • It makes you the one and only expert on you alone.
  • It links up to Apple’s Health app in order to create a special meaning from your activity, sleep, and specific nutritional data.
  • You become smarter about your health and you by using this HealthKit app for your health and life.
  • Lark is able to analyze any data that does come straight from the health sensors that you do have with you all the time on your phone.
  • You learn to stress less in your life with Lark in it.
  • You learn to eat a whole lot healthier with Lark in it.
  • You learn to do far more fitness for good health with Lark in it.
  • You learn to sleep better at night for good health with Lark in it.

Unique Features

  • The price for the Larklife will be a low amount of just $150.00 when it is released later this year.
  • Having a simple chat with Larklife is a task that is as simple as texting.
  • Lark works completely on low-power sensors that will never leave one worrying about draining batteries at any given time.
  • Larklife has a very warm and personal sort of personalization for each individual user.
  • You can keep track of your diet by using the Larklife app.
  • Lark is an app that actually does interact with the user by talking to them and answering their questions. It also encourages a user to become more active and so forth.

What Gadget Can Do For Us?

  • Lark shows one detailed insights about his or her own health data.
  • Lark has a tendency to become even smarter and get more personal as a person continues to use it.
  • This HealtKit app helps one to track their own life can do it in their own way.
  • You can also use this program to log your meals.
  • You can also use this program to do sleep tracking on yourself if you so wish to do so.
  • Lark is like a real life coach that helps you to track all the most important aspect of your health life.

Customer Reviews

The LarkLife iphone app doesn’t get a very positive review from PCMag for a number of reasons. Its pros are that it does have an amazing and unique companion app for tracking one’s own personal activity and sleep. However, the price just seems to be a bit high, and the wristband that goes along with the companion app is said to be big and clunky. There is a great review about the LarkLife at Techhive. Techhive gives a glowing customer review on the LarkLife. This review is full of praise and also talks about the Lark’s truly innovative and different kind of computer interface.


What is great about Larklife is that it truly is an app that does work for the life of you. This is because it knows exactly how to get you on the go and stay on the go for all the right reasons. These right reasons are to do with being active on a regular basis and staying active to get you in good health and lots of lasting happiness. LarkLife personally interacts and communicates with users. There aren’t a lot of these HealthKit apps that can do that. However, this one can, and that is because it is designed to be intelligent and to communicate like no other health activity tracker on the market can ever hope to do either.


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