Let Push Fitness Push You To Good Health!


The Push Fitness Tracker can truly give you all the insight you do need with regards to your health. This is because it is designed to deliver with this one specific purpose in mind. No longer do you have to seek out answers that you want concerning your health. They are now within very close reach and all you have to do is push the button to get them.


  1. Push Fitness is very rugged and durable in construction
  2. It can communicate directly with your phone
  3. The metrics that is does track are numerous
  4. Health and fitness data is displayed on the Push app
  5. It is designed with the total gym in mind

How we Use It?

  1. You can create your very own personalized exercise routine with the help of PUSH
  2. You can keep track of the progress you make individually and this can include personal records
  3. There is a Free Mode to press the button and get to the gym to commence your training
  4. No more need for manual entry or pen and pad. You just streamline communications between yourself and your coach or your trainer by using the power of PUSH
  5. You can track, visualize, and also optimize with all that PUSH does offer in its interface

Unique Features

  1. Push does have a water and impact resistant shell
  2. A fully adjustable and anti-bacterial arm band
  3. You can record and analyze any Rep
  4. It syncs thoroughly with your smart phone to customize your workouts
  5. You can share your achievements and compete with other friends

What gadget can do for us?

  1. You get to focus mainly on achieving personal results with PUSH instead of Rep counts
  2. With Live Screen Mode, you can monitor how long your set last, and also listen to your favorite music
  3. You have the ability to openly compete with others who are you friends or even enemies
  4. PUSH does push on your fitness in a coaxing kind of way to get you to build your own strength
  5. You can create your own training sessions and anything else that will motivate you from a total fitness perspective

Customer Reviews

There is a customer review posted at http://www.gadgetreview.com/. It openly states the PUSH Fitness Tracker is very awesome when it comes to being able to track your strength personally. This is because PUSH is designed with this objective in mind with a strong emphasis on fitness and the maintenance of it. Strength is being put on radar by Push and this is a good thing for all those fitness trackers and fitness fans out there.


The Push Fitness Tracker does more than just deliver your health monitoring results. It literally gives you the awesome power to command your own health and to make vast improvements where it is concerned. This is a very good thing to be able to do. It is designed with monitoring coverage of good fitness health in mind. A fitness tracker that can do this, and also, help a person to build their own individual brand of strength is indeed awesome beyond awesome in every way that matters the most from the onset.


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