Let The Misfit Shine Help You To Shine On With Good Health!



What is great about Misfit Shine is that it helps you to lead a very active life in a good and healthy way.


  • Sync Method is Blue-tooth
  • Battery is CR2032 coin cell
  • Waterproof 50 m
  • The dimensions are 27.5 x 3.3 x 27.5 mm
  • The weight of the device is 9.4 grams

How We Use It?

  • Use it to help you set your own personal goals
  • Inspires one to live a more active life
  • You can see your daily stats such as calories burned and the like to see where you are and where you want to be exactly with your health at the end of the da
  • This device helps you to focus on you and your heath for once
  • It will make you want to be far more about staying active than anything else
  • The Misfit Shine can be used to bring out your very best active self from within

Unique Features

  • Shine is very adaptable wearable digital health wear. This means that you dress it up or dress it down
  • Not only is Shine a sleek and stylish kind of wristband, but it also, does have a line of accessories that is just as equally as sleek in detail. Some of the accessories do include a sports band, leather bands, etc..
  • Shine was designed to make a person shine when they use it. It means that it helps you to look good and feel good about you.
  • Device has diamond-cut aluminum that makes Shine literally shine from a beautiful and durable aspect
  • Has a special thinness of just four millimeters right by its edge
  • Brings total comfort wearing it that you almost forget you are wearing it

What gadget can do for us?

  • Wear it wherever you like to where it
  • It comes with a wide range of accessories
  • You can move it and move it means get very active fitness wise
  • Shine will track your activity level no matter what activity you do
  • Once your Misfit app is activated, synchronization is effortless by using Blue-tooth Low Technology
  • It is a quarter-sized device that is jam packed with so much than does meet the eye

Customer Reviews

According to a review posted at CNET, the Misfit Shine truly does indeed have a shine all its very own. It definitely is every inch of what its own parent company has called it. It is “the world’s most elegant of all physical activity monitors.” The two things that do make it very attractive as a wearable digital health product is this. It has an anodized aluminum casing and a very thoughtful design that does manage to get the eye and keep it. The Misfit Shine does shine with elegance and practicality combined.


The Misfit Shine is something that every person should have just because. What is this just because? Just because they do want to change their health and life for the better by having it around to keep them on their toes. It has excellent form and basic function that do seem to naturally go together in this digital health wristband that does shine in its very own unique way.


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