Listening Using Your Skin Rather Than Your Ears

Listening Using Your Skin Rather Than Your Ears


Listening is a character trait that is essential to every human being. It is essential in a conversation, and in many other daily activities that we partake. In addition, the ability to perceive what is being said is an incredible factor especially for those who can’t hear.

In relation to this, David Eagleman, a scientist specializing in the body neurons came up with an idea almost five years ago. The scientists with the assistance of one of his graduate students i.e. Scott Novich developed a theory. The theory was in relation to the human skin and its possibility of use to hear or perceive the meaning of a conversation.

Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer (VEST)

As a result of the research the two were conducting, the VEST system was built i.e. the Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer. As the name suggests, the Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer is worn like a piece of clothing and is lodged on your back in contact with the skin. The vest is aimed at translating any of the surrounding sound waves into meaningful and unique vibrations felt in your back. This is done with the present 32 motors that are part and parcel of the Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer system.

How the Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer Works?

The Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer is aimed at conditioning and using the brain to assimilate to the different vibrations emitted by the 32 motors locked on the skin. Every word in the English or any other language has a specific vibration. Each time the word is spoken and is picked up in the sound waves, the same vibration is felt. This means that each vibration is associated with a certain word or phrase.

Versatile Extra Sensory

In the initial steps, a smartphone or any smart device that can pick up sound is used to pick different sounds from your current environment. The sound can occur at a distance of 20 ft to 30ft, and the VEST will pick it. The audio recorded is then translated or broken down, using an application into distinct and unique frequencies. The frequencies generated are dependent on the context of the audios. The smartphone then triggers the motors sequentially through Bluetooth to vibrate. The motors are also uniquely calibrated and each has its own frequency vibration mode. A specific frequency will have the same vibration whenever it is said. At the beginning, it might be hard to differentiate the different vibrations but with time, it becomes simpler and easier. The brain is said to unconsciously mark each of the motors vibration making it easy for the deaf to hear. This is because the motors vibrate to specific words issued in a language simplifying the language.


People have to be trained and educated in regards to the functionality of the Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer system. The deaf and the hearing alike have to try out the VEST and give their opinion. According to Eagleman, training among the young especially the children is much easier than with training the adults. He began teaching the deaf how to use the VEST with single syllables and words. He has the hope that the VEST will one day be used to carry out a seamless conversation.

An early use of the VEST system to conduct training and ensure understanding is the only way to ensure acceptability of the system. Less, much more training avenues will be required for proper assimilation of the system into the society.

Eagleman’s hope for the future is to be able to deploy the Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer system to all the industries and home environments with the aim of understanding the different and complicated environments. With its different applications, it is possible for the Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer system to be applied in different professions. For example: a pilot can use the Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer system to read and interpret the status or situation that a plain is through its vibrations.

The Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer system is like a sixth sense lingering at the tip and will one day be achieved or acquired. The Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer system has indicated its potential for growth and perfection. It can be highly useful in garnering information with the endless probabilities associated with the Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer system.

Every day, a million of ideas are being generated with each passing minute or hour. Not many of these ideas are acted upon. However, the less the ideas are taken into consideration, the essential they might end up being. In addition, an idea is the next technologically big thing. The scientist and his graduate student certainly understood this and pursued their idea to develop the Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer system or the VEST system.

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Today, there are many ways, that the VEST system is being used to impact and make changes in different people’s lives. Some of which include carrying out conversations with deaf people. The idea to have a listening device through an individual skin is mind blowing. If you have the chance to try this technology, go for it. Do not be left behind, take the step and learn how to use the Versatile Extra Sensory Transducer system to listen through your skin.


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