MIO Link For Me And Your Good Health!



The MIO LINK is a wearable health monitor that does monitor heart rate. It is an essential wristband to wear for all the right reasons and these reasons are tied solely to personal maintenance of good health that all of us do need. Knowing that your heart is good and healthy by constantly monitoring your heart rate is a very good practice for the health of your heart for life.


  • Heart rate monitor and clock
  • Rechargeable battery
  • Connectivity is Blue-tooth and ANT+
  • Compatibility is Android &amp iOS
  • Immediate work place benefits and training
  • Is proven EKG accurate at performance speeds

How we use it?

  • You use it to monitor your heart rate daily and effectively
  • You use it to do heart rate training
  • It is used to be the very heart of your training and goals for good health
  • It is also great for training for all runners and cyclists
  • To train in total comfort and without any restraints such as shoulder straps are

Unique Features

  • No chest strip is required
  • Mio Continuous Technology is at the heart of every product
  • Wireless Connectivity that transmits data via Blue-tooth Smart (4.0) and ANT+ to sports devices and popular fitness apps
  • Connect to cycling computers and sporting apps to transmit your continuous heart rate
  • Easy to use product that makes heart rate training something available to all athletes
  • Is a very sleek and lightweight wristband in description and view

What gadget can do for us?

  • It can help you to do a lot more and very effective fitness
  • Your heart rate will be completely on your wrist and not on your chest. This knowledge brings comfort and adds comfort to your training sessions overall
  • MIO is very adaptable with any kind of fitness that does pump up the heart in a productive and healthy way.
  • MIO’s constant heart rate technology is with you always and performs in at 99%
  • You can get your continuous and accurate heart rate in comfort and this is because of the sophisticated algorithms that this device does contain

Customer Reviews

The MIO LINK is being well received by many. There is a review of it posted at the http://www.amazon.com/. This review was authored by Jill Duffy and it clearly states that the MIO LINK is reliable, comfortable, and affordable. Do visit the link to read more about this review. Customers at Amazon have also given the MIO LINK a lot of nice reviews.


The health of your heart and body are everything. This is because both of them do go hand in hand together. One cannot survive without the presence of the other. What the MIO LINK does best is link you up to good health from the sole aspect of your heart. Your heart is the center core of your health and it is most definitely one of the most vital organs that our bodies cannot do without in order to live life. This heart rate monitor may not have it all. However, it does what it needs to do, and that is to be the heart of your health. This is what matters the most.


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