Motoactv: The All-Round Fitness Tracker By Motorola


If you are looking for an all rounded fitness tracking devise that offers a wide range of functions, your search may not be entirely hopeless. The Motorola Company has come up with one of the most phenomenal fitness tracking devices. The Motoactv is a fitness gadget that offers services far beyond the basic step counting that most fitness devices offer. This device monitors the activities done, the calories burnt as well as the heart rate. It goes a step further to ensure that your workout sessions remain energetic. This is achieved by the smart MP3 player pack. This unique wearable fitness tracker uses advanced technology which enables it to make accurate readings.


  • The Motoactv uses Bluetooth low energy to wirelessly connect with your smart device to offer real time data. This means that you can view your data through your phone as you perform the exercises.
  • It has a 3 axis accelerometer for monitoring activities performed with accuracy. This allows the device to measure activities performed in vertical, horizontal and all round motion.
  • The device uses a rechargeable battery with a battery life of approximately 325 hours.

How we use?

This device is one of the easiest fitness tracker to use. The device is worn on the wrist just as a normal watch. Once activated, the device will record your personal data as you perform your exercises. The device has a capacitive touchscreen that in conjunction with the navigation keys on the sides of the watch, give you full control of the device. Your data is displayed on the screen. For a more detailed analysis of your data, the device is connected to an app that allows your phone to give real time details.

Unique features

  • This fitness tracker has a capacitive touchscreen where the data is displayed. This screen is light sensitive thus adjusts to light. The device can therefore be comfortably used and viewed under sunlight and other light sources. The screen has a capacitive button that functions as the back navigation key.
  • The device has a media player that allows users to connect to FM. It is also compatible with MP3 music format. The device is able to detect your favorite music genre and uses this information to create an exercise motivation playlist.
  • The device has an audio coach to allow users to maximize on their sessions. This is aided by the goal setting feature of the device. The audio coach will notify you of your progress.
  • Motoactv has GPS settings that allow the watch to keep track of where you perform your activities.

What can the gadget do for us?

Unlike many of the fitness devices in the market, the Motoactv performs a wide range of functions such as:

  • Monitoring activities and workout sessions. The gadget is capable of tracking activities such as walking, cycling and running. Data is collected in terms of time taken to perform each activity, speed and distance covered.
  • The Motoactv gadget monitors the wearer’s heart rate as a result of the heart rate sensors embedded into the fitness watch.
  • This device is also capable of counting the number of calories burnt throughout your workout sessions.

Customer reviews

Since its unveiling, the Motoactv has received quite a number a positive remarks from its users. Its versatility in terms of the functions it performs is a welcomed feature by many customers. The level of accuracy and smart features offer wearers the best experience in their fitness and health tracking. Its long battery life is yet another advantage appreciated by customers. The upgrade option is exactly what is needed in these ever changing times. However, Motoactv is not without its fair share of criticism. Many customers were a bit disappointed at the poor quality of the device’s website. Moreover, the gadget is quite bulky and pricey as compared to some of its competitors.

Final say

The Motoactv sports watch is arguably one of the best fitness trackers available in the market. This water proof device is sure to keep you on a healthy, fit track by monitoring your activities as well as your calories level and your heart rate. The Motoactv keeps you hyped up during your training by providing you with your best music playlist to motivate you. From fitness tracking to health monitoring, Motoactv does not disappoint.


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