Tech Tattoos Could Be the Next Thing in Wearables


The company called NewDealDesign, which is behind FitBit, has come up with a brand new design challenge. This brand new design challenge is something that could become the very next step in wearable tech. It is called Project Underskin.

Does Project Underskin shoot for wearable way past the wrist?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes. This is because the online design website called Co. Design did spend the week focusing on the subject of wearable tech, and it did ask NewDealDesign to try to imagine what they would see when they looked at wearable text beyond the area of the wrist.

What is Project Underskin?

Project Underskin is a form of smart digital tattoo. This smart digital tattoo would be implanted into one’s hand. What this smart digital tattoo could do is all sorts of wondrous things. These wondrous things do rang from being able to open up a door using NFC technology to tracking the health of a body to being able to transfer information via a simple handshake. What is awesome about such a device is the technology that will back it. This technology is something that may be very possible within the next five years or so, considering just how fast electronics research is going, and the current state of that research. This information is something that NDD was proud to reveal.

This device’s flexible display may prove to be a real challenge to develop.

Despite the fact that all of the aspects of the smart digital tattoo do seem to be smart in delivery and not hard to create. There is another aspect that may prove to be very difficult to design and come up with overall. What is this aspect? It is no other than the device’s flexible display. This may just be the one thing that can just become the biggest of all hurdles to have to get over. Other aspects of this design will be a whole lot easier to implement than the flexible display will be. Some of these other aspects do include the implantation of the device itself, the requisite sensors, as well as the communicators. Also, the ability for the device to be able to get a charge from the human body is a whole lot simpler in scope.

Will there be some physical invasive wearables coming soon?

According to the President of NDD, who is no other than Gadi Amit, he has already had prior discussions with other entrepreneurs in the past year about what he has dubbed to be “physical invasive wearables.” “It is far more a reflection on just what the design will be mainly for them in 10 years or so,” he openly stated up these awesome physical invasive wearables. “It is not just about the object itself okay. It is far more about the kind of technology that will be available to weave everything together as one,” further explained Amit. What is this kind of technology? It is no other than the blending of many things coming together as one. These many things do include biology, science, medicine, electronics, the wisdom of various cultures, and also much personal interaction.

Will this smart digital tattoo stand to make lives easier in the future?

From what is being said about it, it does look like, the concept design for this wearable tatoo will indeed be something to be a success from a wearable tech stance. This is because it can prove to be the very thing that can help to make life far easier for people in a number of ways. Just imagine having an implant such as this taking care of lots of things for you. These things can range from taking care of one’s health to general communications to exchange of mutual information electronically in a very safe and easy kind of way.

This smart digital tattoo will only serve to advance the area of wearable tech all the more. Not that it isn’t growing every day on its very own already. However, when people come up with unique ideas such as this one is, it is definitely an idea that is sure to grace the technology world and your world at the very same time. A smart digital tattoo device is very original and being an original idea. It is sure to be something that will be a high technology hit with people from everywhere who already do appreciate wearable tech in general. Wearable tech will only be enhanced all the more with this new wearable tattoo offering.


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