The Workplace Wearable Gadgets: Expectations of 2015!


We can all argue about mobile phone being the most widely usedpiece of tech in the world right now. What we can however agree on is its wide spread. When mobile phones were first produced, no one expected things to be this good. Their manufacturers lived on the expectation that they would pick up and they would advance with time. We cannot compare the feature phones which existed back then with either the feature phones or the smart phones existing right now. Neither can be certain of the phones to come in the future. What we know for sure is that they will be more advanced and more versatile with more capabilities.

The same applies to wearable technology. No one would have thought that wearable technology would have such an impact in the market today. Before, wearable technology was known to be mainly for athletes and other sports players as they tried to keep fit. In recent times, we have wearable technology being embraced by the general public for different reasons. We can now comfortably say that wearable technology has been incorporated into our daily lives. They have become more stylish and versatile making them more discreet and easy to use.

As 2014 comes to an end and we welcome 2015, we are definitely expecting more from the wearable technology manufacturers. There are signs hinting that wearable technology developers are looking to take their devices into the workplace environment. The workplace has been seen as a potential market that would attract a large number of users once the technology is incorporated into the environment. Various companies have come forward to try and come up with wearable’s that can have their place in the work environment. Some of the big fish such as Google and Apple to name but a few have made strides in this direction.

So, what exactly will make these wearable gadgets function effectively in the work place? Developers have opted to advance their algorithms in order to enable the devices perform more functions. The algorithms developed will enable the device to analyze the data collected and make it sensible enough for the user to understand. The workplace wearable’s are also expected to perfume a wide range of functions with the additional functions supporting workplace activities.

The creation of workplace wearable technology will be expected to show the correlation between various aspects of the person. It would be centered on knowing what is of importance to an individual as well as giving information on personal preferences.

Wearable gadgets have not been adopted into the business world yet. However, the data that wearable tech has been able to collect have become of great importance in business. Various companies use data collected through wearable devices to identify a number of important aspects. For instance, TNS Australia, while making payments to people, uses biometric data recovered from wearable gadgets for individual authentication. Another example is that of Virgin Atlantic which uses Google Glass eyewear tech to identify personal preferences of their VIP clients on checking in.

The list could virtually be endless but one thing is for sure wearable technology could revolutionaries the work place. The use of wearable tech in the workplace environment is intended to make transactions easier, faster and to some extend ensure security. Many developers and users alike are longing to have gadgets that ensure personal privacy of data. This will ensure security of data in the workplace which is a sensitive issue especially for clients.

Even with all these excitement surrounding workplace wearable’s, there are those individuals such as Tim Sheedy who seem a little optimistic about wearable gadgets. He is convinced that wearable technology may not change much in the year 2015. In fact, he sees the devices continuing to be limited to the arm section as wrist bands and watches. His low expectations are based on the slow adoption of technology into fashion by the big giants of the clothing industry.


Wearable technology is fast developing and being widely accepted. Its advancement has led to a lot of speculations on its applications adding to them the potential workplace. It is anticipated that wearable technology will make its way into the work environment in 2015. The expectations by users go beyond the usual fitness and health tracking. The devices could be used to schedule meetings, work as reminders for appointments and offer general details on the appointment such as the purpose of the meeting and the people taking part in the meeting among otherfunctions. The major challenge developers of wearable technology are likely to face is the uniqueness of the new upcoming devices. Many of the users of wearable technology are looking for devices with newer and better functions that stand out from those that already exist. We have to wait and see which road is taken.


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