Wearable Technology Event at MEDIENTAGE Munich on October 24, 2014


Wearable Technologies CEO Christian Stammel will give an introduction at MEDIENTAGE Munich 2014 – Europe’s Major Media Conference. The event offers panel discussions, lectures and workshops on all relevant media topics, that includes top-ranking speakers from Germany and abroad as well as an exhibition wherever the main media firms, associations and institutions show their current products and solutions.Christian stammel can speak about the wearable technologies market these days and will be featured in a panel discussion on the following topic “Wearable Devices – Humbug Oder massive Business? Technologien und Trends”

Agenda of Event

Friday, 24th October 2014
10:00 Introduction
Der Markt der Wearable TechnologiesChristian Stammel, Founder and CEO,Wearable Technologies
10:15 Keynote
Auf dem Weg zum Cybathlon: Wearable RobotsDr. Peter Wolf, Deputy Head Institut für Robotik und Intelligente Systeme,ETH Zürich
Vortrag: Das Innovationssegment aus Sicht einer MediaexpertinMichaela Ihlefeld, COO,Mindshare
11:00 Panel Discussion featuring Michaela Ihlefeld, Mindshare, Dr. Andreas Splittgerber, OLSWANG and Christian Stammel, Wearable Technologies



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